Friday, July 24, 2020

Welcome to Aigents®!

Aigents® Social and Media Intelligence Platform for Business integrates heterogeneous social and online media sources, blockchains, and payment systems, coupling them with artificial intelligence to find and track changes in the field of information to let its force be with you.

Aigents® Personal Artificial Intelligence serves as a magic glass and crystal ball in the world of social and online networks to recognize people's preferences, find what they need, and help to manage their connections.

Makes time-critical news monitoring precise, reliable, safe, and cheap:

  • generate personalized news feeds accurately;
  • let you configure custom combinations of online information sources and specify precise target text patterns;
  • use artificial general intelligence to find critical information; 
  • provide timely alerts with news items extracted from an online text;
  • evaluating news relevance based on collective intelligence.
Makes personal online communications more useful, safe, and efficient, helping:
  • find the right leaders in social media, while interacting online under conditions of information overflow;
  • improve multiple relationships with friends and colleagues, getting rid of annoying connections;
  • attract the target audience for personal and business promotion and improve loyalty - for everyone.

Join Us

On the Web at, on Telegram as @AigentsBot,
on Facebook Messenger as Aigents.

Support Us

With your contribution to the Aigents Open Source project via PayPal you can subscribe for advanced features for 1 month or an entire year.

Contact Us

Telegram: @Aigents